Withholding Nothing, I Find Myself Holding Onto You

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

- Hebrews 10:23

What a month it’s been since I’ve returned to Missouri from California! I’ve been sorting through quite a lot in preparation of moving back to Kansas City. Almost a year ago I committed to Youth With A Mission and made plans to attend a Discipleship Training School in January. During this time I began to hear the Lord speak to me “September 2023”. At first I didn’t know if it meant that I chose the wrong date for DTS but through prayer I felt peace in staying with the January date. I felt that this September would be a time of transition and that God was speaking “promise” over it. I didn’t know quite what to think, as I didn’t know of anything that was to come in September. Throughout my time in the Philippines, I began to start seeking God about what the next step should be. Once again I heard “September” and at the same time had a strong desire to return to Kansas City once DTS was over. After returning to KC from the Philippines we had a week of debrief and were presented with an opportunity to come back to YWAM for leadership training that will begin September 1st and end November 22nd. This training is to help equip us for leadership in full-time missions and in staffing positions at the YWAM base. When I heard this I felt it was for me to pursue, so I have applied and I am preparing for all that is to come in September with moving back to KC. Throughout this time of preparation, I began to reflect on the promises of God and the many ways He has already shown Himself faithful. He has always provided exactly what I have needed, and has blessed me far beyond comprehension when I’ve kept my eyes only on Him. As I step into this next season of promise, I feel convicted to cling onto Him tighter than even what He may hand to me. To recognize Him as both the promise keeper and the promise. Nothing He gives is greater than Him, so when He gives our worship for Him should only increase. This next phase of my life will require wisdom, surrender, devotion, pruning, and adoration for my Savior. Most of all it will require that I withhold nothing from Him, as I recognize everything belongs to Him anyways. I’m beyond excited to step into this next season of deeper encounters with Jesus and being molded more into His image!

Updates + Announcements: 

- For leadership training I will need to raise $3,000 for the months of September-November. If you are interested in becoming a financial partner please let me know!

- There are many new updates on the website (compelledcommissioned.org)! There is now a partnership page- here you will find there are ways to connect through prayer and giving. I will continue to update this page throughout the month of August, so be on the lookout for more ways to connect and join in on this journey with Jesus!

- I am currently back in Kansas City for the week, volunteering at our YWAM Messenger Kid’s Camp. Here I will focus on sharing Jesus with the kiddos throughout our time of bible stories, arts/crafts, snacks, and worship. This kids camp not only intends to help children know God, but also make Him known everywhere they go. 

- As of two days ago (7/17/2023) I successfully completed 120 hours of coursework with ITTT (International TEFL and Tesol Training). I should be receiving my TESOL certificate within the next week, allowing me to teach English as a second language both domestically and abroad. Soon I will be completing another 20 hour course with ITTT that will better equip me to teach online courses. Once I get settled back in KC I plan to begin looking for clients. I am very excited to come alongside others to not only teach them this skill but encourage them and show them the love of Jesus. 

- I joined a bible study that’s been taking place in my neighborhood. It’s been an amazing time digging through the word of God with my grandparents and two wonderful ladies, both named ‘Carol’ who live just down the street from us. 

- My friends from YWAM, Jelaina and Nathan happen to live only 30 minutes away from me! On Friday nights Jelaina’s family hosts a young adults + youth event called ‘The Gathering’ where we worship Jesus, learn about Him, and fellowship together. The week of the 4th of July- Jelaina, Nathan, and I shared on freedom from passivity and then as a group we all decided we wanted to be free of the sin of inaction (James 4:17). Many who were present found deliverance as they repented. Afterwards we celebrated with fireworks! For the remainder of my time in Springfield I plan to get more involved with The Gathering and pray to only catch more of God’s heart for the youth there and come alongside them in discipleship.

- I’ll be getting together soon with friends and family to begin doing outreach in downtown Springfield, super excited about this! If you’re in the 417 area and would like to be apart, let me know. 

- I’m looking for a way to work and make income for the month of August within the Springfield area, if you or anyone you know is willing to hire a temporary hand- this girl is available!

Prayer Requests:

- That the kids who show up at camp this week would encounter Jesus and the love He has for them!

- Provision (summer job, TESOL clients, support/income throughout this next phase with YWAM)

- That I’d continue to build relationships and community throughout my time in Springfield.

- Strategy, boldness, and compassion for upcoming outreaches in the Springfield area

Sincerely, Jessica Lawrence

Precious moments with my family in California before returning to Missouri.

After 2 years we got to visit with my close friend from high school, Alex. This was also the first time I got to meet her sweet baby girl, Amariah. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I had not seen her genuine love and devotion for the Lord while we were in high school.

Got to reconnect with my friend Abigail, who I was on the Mercy Train with 2.5 years ago. She carries a purity and fire for the Lord and was such an encouragement to me while I was in California.

While in California we attended my Great Grandma’s funeral. My grandpa was unable to make it to the service so in his place I was able to read testimony of my Great Grandma’s relationship with Jesus that was developed at the end of her life. What a privilege to honor my Great Grandma Soyla, my grandparents, and Jesus.

My grandma also shared. Super proud of her and always encouraged by her faithfulness to Jesus.

Love this sweet little girl!! She brings me so much joy and Jesus loves her more than she could ever know.

At the end of the visit in my small California hometown, I saw this mural I never have paid attention to before. Thankful for a God who is faithful enough to direct my paths and hold this entire world in His hands.

What an incredible first night at the Gathering! Meet my friends: Jada, Brooklyn, and Jelaina.


Perseverance and the Promise.


To Live Is Christ.