Everlasting Father.

 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” - Matthew 7:7-11

Hello everyone!

I hope you had an amazing Resurrection Day celebrating our risen Savior! I know I was super blessed to have the opportunity to visit my family in Springfield and spend some time with them last weekend. 

What Is God Doing In My Heart?

Lately I have been reminded quite a bit of the night I met Jesus. The love that was poured out over me that I had never experienced until that night. This love quite literally set me free. It was a Father’s love that I had received. This was when I finally began to understand that God wasn’t this abusive tyrant that inflicted pain on His creation, but that He was actually a good, loving Father who pursues His children, even to the ends of the earth. I was lost and it was Him who found me. And when He found me I was not wrapped up in serving or even missions, I just needed to know I was fully loved by the one who fully knew me. 

Matthew 7:7-11 has been a passage of scripture that has continued to appear to me this last month and throughout my time studying it and taking it in prayer, I felt the Lord showing me only once again His character of a Father, and in addition to that, He’s actually been teaching me how to be a daughter. How to approach, ask, and receive from Him as not just a servant or beggar, but as a child He loves. Our God has many characteristics. He’s our friend, helper, comforter, Lord,  Savior, righteous King, good shepherd, defender, bridegroom, wonderful counselor, the Prince of peace, the lion, the lamb, the man of sorrows, creator, and an everlasting Father, for that alone He’s worthy.

What Have I Been Up To?

I have recently jumped back into working in our on-campus coffee shop, Carriage House, a few times each week. I am still taking it slow with my broken foot but being in there and getting to interact with people visiting our campus has been such a blessing to me! Most days I spend my time in the office working with our frontiers side of Go Team on our summer outreaches. We closed all of our summer outreach applications on Good Friday and now I am learning what coordinating some of these teams looks like and getting to know all the people on the team that I get to go with to the Middle East this year! I have been challenged a lot by the Lord (and friends here) to not only go into prayer and intercession alone, but to invite others into it! I am truly blessed to have so many friends here that hunger after Jesus and meet faithfully on Wednesday nights just to seek His face and intercede together. I have also seen a desire for interceding in community spring up in many others on campus. I truly feel that God is doing something on our campus and I want to jump all in to be apart of it!


  • This Summer June 8th-22nd I get to co-lead an outreach to the Middle East with an awesome couple! I am so excited to take a team to this location and watch people get gripped with God’s heart for this region!

  • I am staffing our next discipleship training school beginning in September. I will have the opportunity to take 5 months and disciple our students throughout their lecture and outreach phases!

Prayer Requests:

  • My grandpa's back surgery is scheduled for April 9th, prayers are appreciated for recovery and for the severe pain he’s been dealing with in his back to go!

  • A few weeks ago I fractured my talus and a ligament detached from the bone. I have been recovering pretty well but I am in a boot for the next 5 weeks so please pray for it to heal well and not to be an issue for summer outreach!

  • Please pray for supernatural healing and strength in our current DTS on outreach, as both the Thailand and Philippines teams have been touched by sickness

  • Pray for our teams who are going to summer outreach in June and for all those who will hear the gospel on outreach!

  • Pray for our school of biblical studies students who have arrived and are committing 9 months to studying the bible using the inductive method. Pray that the word comes alive to them and that they fall in an even deeper love with Jesus!


Thank you so much to everyone who has partnered financially throughout this time! I truly could not do this mission effectively without you. I pray that your partnership in advancing the gospel would not only be a blessing to those who are hearing the word of God for the first time, but that it would also produce good fruit in your life.

Things I’m believing for in my finances:

  • To be fully funded in reaching my monthly support goal so that I can do this assignment well (already over halfway through to my goal, I am believing for $1,003 more monthly support committed, this is roughly 50 people committing to $20 monthly!) If I can be fully funded, I will be able to be fully involved and engaged with what God is doing here at YWAM KC while also not having a hindrance to traveling ministry/missions trips. If you would like to see my budget, please let me know!

  • I am believing for a vehicle, hopefully in time for the school I’ll be staffing in September, as I would love to be able to help take students off base and use it as a tool for discipling my one-on-ones in the September school well. I love my current car and it has been a total gift from the Lord but I do not believe it is sustainable for ministry use much longer. I drive a 2005 Toyota corolla with nearly 280,000 miles on it. I have had this car for about 6 years.

  • I am currently project fundraising for our Summer outreach to the Middle East! I am believing for $1,011 to come through in the next week for this trip.

  • In a few months I will need to begin fundraising for the Discipleship Training School that I will be staffing

Tax Deductible ways to donate: 

YWAM: https://giving.ywamkansascity.com/support/jessica-lawrence 

**** my code: V_L325

Please create an account before donating so that you can have your giving records on file for taxes. 

Non tax-deductible ways to donate:

Venmo: @Jessica-Lawrence23

Cashapp: $jessrmarie

*** Please message me regarding questions about checks***

Thank you!!


Jessica Lawrence

Makalyn and Hannah! They are from the September DTS and back for SBS! Love them so much and so excited to see what Jesus is doing in their lives!!

Church at Life Mission!

Mom and Grandparents from my time visiting home!

Look who came back for SBS!!

The day of my foot breaking lol. Mom says “stop coming home, every time you end up at the hospital!”

My friends playing volleyball! A new pastime of mine is going to just sit and watch them play.


The God Who Sees Me.


Not A Day Has Been Hidden.