Not A Day Has Been Hidden.

“My frame was not hidden from You when I was made  in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

- Psalms 139:15-16

Hello friends and family!

It looks like we’re about to step into spring here in Kansas City! Though it has previously looked this way before suddenly snowing on us, I have big hopes that we will continue to have warmer sunnier days! 

We have been talking campus-wide about what it looks like to host the presence of the Lord and it has been amazing leaving even simple everyday conversations with an increased hunger for Jesus! I never want to take for granted the fact that I get to be in this place surrounded by people who have loved Jesus with their whole lives. The Lord has really heard my prayers, directed my steps, and will continue to be faithful to do so!

A couple of weeks ago Kansas City dropped from 80 degrees Farenheit to about 30 degrees with snow. A couple of my friends and I decided to take care packages to some of the homeless on the streets and share about Jesus with them. As we were driving we didn’t see many people around and the few people we were able to engage with in a Pricecutter parking lot were very closed off. This was honestly a bit discouraging but we began feeling that we should go across the street into a QuikTrip. As soon as we walked in, there was a man named Alfred who was bundled up looking around. As we talked with him we found out that he had been there waiting on a public bus for over 3 hours. My friend offered to drive him back home and in response Alfred exclaimed “This is an answer to prayer!”. On our way to his house we learned that he at one time had been homeless and following the ways of the world but a woman had shared the gospel with Him and He got saved. Ever since, though his life hasn’t been perfect, he has been inwardly transformed and very aware of the hand of God over his life. 3 strangers showing up offering him a ride as he was praying for a way to get home was not the first time the Lord provided and showed up in his life. 14 years ago Alfred (now 70 years old) was told he would never walk again and today he is in perfect health because of a miracle the Lord did in his back. Alfred at one time was living on the streets in a cycle of addiction but the Lord delivered him and protected from all the darkness around him. Now he is a grandfather walking in freedom! This man had several stories he shared with us where God simply showed up when He needed Him to, these testimonies blessed us so much. Before we dropped him off we got to pray over him and he also prayed over us. I felt the Lord say “there’s not a day that’s been hidden from Me”. 

The fact that Alfred was the only person to engage with us this day was so telling of the character of God. We were three missionaries wanting to go share the good news with the lost, which is also God’s heart. But sometimes we forget just how much the Lord sees us in our day to day. We aren’t slaves, we’re sons and daughters. We are seen and cared for in every moment by our faithful Father! In our darkest lowest most painful moments surrounded by temptation and bondage He is our light and our way. In the moments the bus doesn’t show up for us, He sends strangers who know the same God we do just to take us home. In the mundane of our daily routines, He is close. In our confusion as to why we aren’t seeing fruit in our conversations, He’s redirecting us to the one. 

Lately I’ve been stuck on Psalm 139, what a tear-jerker that one is. We have such an intimate God! He truly knows us, even better than we know ourselves. Even before we were formed, He saw us, and absolutely nothing could ever separate us from His Spirit. Sometimes for our growth He places us in seasons of hiddenness, where maybe we aren’t as seen or maybe we just don’t even feel as seen by man, but yet we are still the apple of His eye. The God of the universe sees you! There isn’t a moment He hasn’t!! 

Prayer Requests:

  • Some of you may remember the young homeless boy I met in the Springfield square about 6 months ago. The last update I gave you on him was positive, but these days he has gone back to his old life and is in great need of a miracle. Please continue praying for him, I believe that what the Lord did in the life of Alfred can also be done in this young man’s life. 

  • On February 24th we lost 11 key leaders of YWAM in a tragic bus accident that took place in Tanzania. There are 5 injured individuals and 2 still in critical condition. A couple from our base was involved in this accident, with one of them passing and the other injured. Please be praying for all the families that have lost their loved ones and for the recovery of those who survived this terrible accident. This greatly affects not only YWAM Tanzania, but all of YWAM and even the global missions movement. This is the most significant tragedy that YWAM has ever faced and creates even a greater need for pioneers, as some of these missionaries were serving in some of the hardest darkest avenues in missions. You can read more about this and learn how to help here. 

  • Please pray for our summer outreach teams as they are still filling up!!


  • Survivors of the accident have begun being released from the hospital. One of our very own, Paolo, who was in critical condition just a few days ago is full of life and even throughout his painful circumstances, continues to praise God and bring life to all those around him. 

What Have I Been Doing ?

  • Right now on Go Team our goal is to see the next generation mobilized to missions, specifically to unreached people groups. It has been amazing connecting with so many people who are passionate for Jesus and for those who have yet to hear His name. So stoked for these outreach teams that are going out this summer!

  • Lately I’ve been serving 3 days out of the week in our on campus coffee shop called Carriage House! It has grown a love for coffee in me and an even greater love for this community as I’ve gotten to know more people!

  • One of our teams just went to Chicago where they connected with students from Wheaton College and local churches who are saying yes to going to the 10/40 window this summer!

Big Announcements:

I am extremely excited to be co-leading a summer outreach this summer to the Middle East! For security reasons I cannot share the name here or on social media but if you have any questions, reach out to me. I’d be so happy to share!! :) 


Thank you so much to everyone who has partnered financially throughout this time! I truly could not do this mission effectively without you. I pray that your partnership in advancing the gospel would not only be a blessing to those who are hearing the word of God for the first time, but that it would also produce good fruit in your life. 

So far, I have not reached my monthly goal. As of today, I have a committed $600 coming in monthly for the year of 2024 and $900 if we’re counting 1 time gifts split evenly throughout the months. While I am still believing for the monthly goal of $2,053.34 to be met, so that I can continually do traveling ministry, I am going to need to begin project fundraising for this summer outreach to the unreached. This trip will cost me approximately $3,500. 

For an idea of how much I’ll be needing throughout my time with YWAM, here is my monthly budget. 

Tax Deductible ways to donate: 


**** my code: V_L325

Please create an account before donating so that you can have your giving records on file for taxes. 

Non tax-deductible ways to donate:

Venmo: @Jessica-Lawrence23

Cashapp: $jessrmarie

*** Please message me regarding questions about checks***


Jessica Lawrence

It’s been an absolute blast getting to work alongside Desi and Joanna in the Carriage House :)

Got to attend and serve at the Devoted Women’s Conference with these sweet girls!

Bela dropped in a for a visit from Idaho, so much fun getting to reconnect with her and Cornelia

Making plaster art with Bethany!

This card is one that Alfred carries around in him with his wallet. He used to have multiple and hand them out to people, but now he uses it to lead others in prayer for salvation.

Galentines celebration with these amazing women!!


Everlasting Father.


Where Has The Gospel Yet To Reach Your Heart?