The Mission

May the Lamb that was slain

receive the reward of His suffering.

Once you catch a glimpse of Jesus Christ, everything changes. Once you are baptized in a love that knows no boundaries, you too will carry love to the ends of the earth. Once you are faced with the King of Kings who wears a crown of thorns on His head, you will remove your crown to lay it at His feet. Once your eyes meet the beaten Savior’s as He carries His cross up a hill, you too will carry yours. I have been crucified with Christ to be raised to life with Him. I have been told to count the cost of following Him, but I have concluded that He is worth everything He paid for. His love compels me. I live to know Him and make Him known. He has commanded us to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28). His eyes roam throughout the earth looking for a heart that would belong completely to Him and He asks “Who shall I send, who will go?”. My response is an eternal yes. “Here I am Lord, send me!” Love always requires action. Just as He gave Himself for me, I will give my all to Him.

The mission and vision of Compelled + Commissioned is to see Jesus receive His full inheritance in the earth. To pray to the Lord of harvest to send laborers into the harvest field and to be the laborers. To reach our neighborhoods and the nations. To equip and encourage the church, the body of Christ to be His hands and feet.