His Ways Are Higher

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts your thoughts.” - Isaiah 55:8-9

Hello everyone! 

In just 14 short days from now I will be moving onto the YWAM campus in Kansas City, MO. I am both nervous and excited for this new season- but mostly I just believe God is at work and that He is the one who has set this path before me. Thank you to all of you for your love and support throughout this transition.

In April 2021 I flew back into Springfield, MO from my hometown in California believing that my time in Springfield would be short because I had such a desire in my heart for missions and had just withdrawn from Evangel University. I had no intention in settling in much but the Lord made it very clear upon my arrival that Springfield would be an extension of home for me and that I was to “stay and plant”. He told me, and often spoke through others to me that I must prepare to go but be content in staying. The only time I would have His permission to leave Missouri would be to go on a week long mission trip in Guatemala. 

As silly as this sounds, this took quite a lot of discipline for me. I was struggling being back in this town that reminded me of the education and degree I had given up. I felt like a failure and I had no idea what I was to do here or how long I was supposed to stay. I recall, especially after my mission trip, begging God to send me out once again. While these desires were placed there by the Holy Spirit, His ways and thoughts were still much higher than mine. These last 20 months have been difficult, uncomfortable, but also fruitful.

I ended up committing to a 9 month internship at my church and anyone who knows me well, knows that ministry inside of the church walls is very intimidating for me, especially here in the bible belt. I am so much more comfortable talking to unchurched people, who aren’t looking for you to be perfectly worded and aren’t phased by you not showing up in your Sunday best. My pastors and leaders definitely stretched me in this and held me accountable. I am so grateful for it. It was a privilege to be able to serve my church and see the growth and development God did in me throughout this time. I saw only a glimpse of the load my pastors carry and felt overwhelmed for them but in meeting with them I never once heard a complaint. I just heard their heart for the Lord and for building His kingdom. I saw that they carried a burden for people and truly went to war for them in the Spirit. I saw a church building expanded in the middle of a cow pasture to fit the people who want to come in to hear the word of God. In October of 2021 I began working in contributor services at the Assemblies of God National Office, and keeping very busy too! While it seems like the weeks would just slip away from us at times, I am grateful for all the hours spent there because it brought me community. I have been honored to be surrounded by so many women from different walks of life who have one commonality: Jesus. I was able to know, love, and become inspired by believers all around me and I am forever grateful for the friendships that have been made.

Throughout my time here Jesus also began surrounding me with doctors and wise counsel that were vessels used in identifying root causes of health issues I have had in my life for years. Throughout both my doctor appointments and time in counseling, I found that Jesus was simultaneously healing me inwardly and outwardly. I am still a work in progress, but I have recently become very convicted of treating my body as the temple that it is so that I can give my 100% to being the person God has created me to be. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily come off as rocket science to everyone, but for me it was a little bit of a process to stop saying “yes” to everything and to put a little more effort into only eating the foods my body can respond well to. God is a healer! I am grateful He placed me here to receive healing- if I had ignored His leading to stay in Springfield I believe that I would not have seen His hand show up in the way that I have in my health.

I am most thankful for this last year living with my Great Grandma Soyla. My great grandma was an extraordinary person who lived an amazing life. She was the neighbor everyone was grateful to have and to her family was everything. She would tell you that she was Catholic but yet despite her proclamation of religion and her good deeds, she did not know the simple gospel. It wasn’t that it hadn’t been shared with her, it most definitely had been. She just needed her heart to become open to it. She had to realize her need for saving. She needed to come to terms with the fact that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Toward the end of her life she had questions and revealed that she had been sorting this out to make peace with Jesus Himself. She had not only had her family witnessing and testifying to her, she had the Holy Spirit drawing her to Jesus. This last October I got to read John 3 over her and a couple hours after, be with her as she took her last breath on this earth and her first as she entered eternity. It’s been difficult at times, as her space here in the house is now empty- but our family has peace and rejoices because we know she is home.

I am also grateful for this intentional time with my entire family, they have been by my side every step of the way. I truly am blessed with a family that hungers after the Lord and fears Him. I also am thankful that Jesus has allowed me to spend this last year alongside one of my dearest friends, Bethy. She has been such a support and I will deeply miss her. I have been grateful to have been here to see her become engaged and begin her last year at Evangel University. I know she will do awesome things for God. There are so many people who have touched my life this year and made such an impact on me. I know that if I wasn’t obedient to the Lord in staying, I would be a very different person. In the end, it didn’t matter where I was most comfortable- it just mattered where I was most moldable. God knows the desires of our heart but He asks us to submit them to Him. He is faithful to complete what He has started in you. His ways are just higher.

Prayer Requests:

  • That I would walk in confidence and boldness upon entrance in this new season

  • That I would be fully submitted to the Lord’s will in all things

  • Continued provision 

  • Apathy and laziness to be broken off of the body of Christ in this last hour

  • The name of Jesus to be magnified and glorified!!

My amazing grandparents who I get to spend a lot of time with.

My mom and brother moved out here almost one year ago and we’ve had a blast since then!

This is how Great Grandma Soyla cooked for us :)

Pretty picture of where I get to work. My last official day is December 31st.

My favorite place to go during breaks at work is the museum. If you ever get a chance to tour the national office, I highly recommend it!

The team from Guatemala dispersing food/home supply baskets to a family with covid-19.

My little friend from Guatemala.

Team from Guatemala arriving back to the U.S.

Everything to the right of the handicapped parking is very new!

Pastor Floyd’s messages are definitely unforgettable!

Fellow interns Dalles and Mattew at a CCAG work day. They are both doing awesome things for the Lord.

KB and I- first Sunday in the new church building!

My friend Bethy and I going for one of our routine drives to Chick-fil-a. She has been such a blessing to me.


Jessica Lawrence


Becoming Comfortable In The Uncomfortable