Disciples That Make Disciples

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

– Matthew 28:18-20

Hello and happy September! Saying that sounds kind of crazy to me. It feels like it wasn’t very long ago that I was preparing to send out our summer frontier teams, and go myself to the Middle East. Here I am now preparing to receive our students in the coming days for our 5 month discipleship training school!

About a year ago I was preparing to step into YWAM KC’s leadership training school. The Lord had been speaking to me, “September is a month of promise” and in September He began to resurrect my dreams about the Middle East. He said “you will be going within the year”. A few weeks later I am hearing everywhere about this war right in the Levant region where I had felt I would be going. I became hesitant to pick up this 7 year old dream, to hope for something that could quickly crumble. But Jesus miraculously made a way for myself, along with many others from our base to go, and I have not been the same since. 

Another desire that Jesus gave me nearly 2 years ago was to staff a discipleship training school in September. During my DTS He gave me a heart to make disciples in the next generation. This is a year I get to walk in this! 

Throughout our time in training , we continually hear the phrase “disciples that make disciples”. My time with Youth With A Mission has not been only to share the gospel, but to cultivate a community of disciples who will, in turn, disciple others. I believe we will see rapid multiplication of believers with strong foundations once we grab ahold of the Great Commission!

What are the markings of a disciple? Jesus states that in Matthew 28. He says baptize (completely immerse) them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Baptism is not just representing that you were once dead in your trespasses and have been made alive with Christ, but it also is saying “I am one with Jesus! I choose to proclaim to all that He is the Lord of my life and I refuse to follow after any other claiming to be the way!” It’s actually the boldness of baptism that often shakes entire communities, and in many nations baptism is often when Christians in these hard places begin to face immense persecution.

The next thing Jesus says is “teach them to obey everything I’ve commanded you.” Jesus desired for His words not to just stay within His close circle, but to be for all who will hear. He says in John 15: “You are my friends if you do what I command you”. Obedience, not unto slavery - but unto friendship with a resurrected King is our portion! We have this promise that He’s with us always, to the very end of the age, if we choose friendship with Him!! 

Recent studies of cultural Christianity and biblical worldview in America show that while 68% of Americans would still call themselves Christian, only 6% of them actually have a biblical worldview (you can read about this here.) It’s no wonder why my generation have seen suicide rates like no other, extreme confusion about their gender, and even questioning if there is such a thing as right and wrong. The world has fought to have them. There’s been a lack in biblical discipleship within our churches and homes. Despite this upsetting report, I have hope. I have seen, by the orchestrating of the Holy Spirit, many laying down their comfortable lives for this next generation. I see people willing to be interrupted by their neighbor for encounter. I see prayer meetings in break rooms at workplaces. I see children leaving the foster care system in droves and being placed in families. I see forgiveness and reconciliation with those in the jail cell. I see hospitality given to the least. I see open homes with friends and strangers alike around tables feasting on meals and feasting on the word of God. I see complete fascination, not on one man, platform, or branding- but wholly in Jesus. I see repentance and revival in living rooms.  To disciple you do not need to have any specialized skills or words, all you do is what John the Baptist did: point at Jesus and say “BEHOLD, the Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the world!”. Discipleship is not about looking to yourself, or even the person you are walking with. It’s simply looking at Jesus and His ways together. Much like what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11 “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

We won’t get there overnight, but we are on our way there. I challenge you today, will you be apart of it? Will you invite someone over for dinner and bible study? Will you be a disciple of Jesus and make disciples? 

What is My Role Been?
- prepping for our discipleship training school program:
– Currently working on the logistical side of hospitality for welcoming our students and the events we will have for them

– Working to put together our local outreaches in Kansas City

– Communicating with other teams, staff, speakers, and students about upcoming lectures and events

– Working in a team to train staff and students in intercessory prayer

– Connecting/checking in with incoming students

Praise Report:

Last month I asked you to pray for the dental procedure I had scheduled. I went in to the specialist that week and was told I did NOT need a procedure. Praise God!!! Thank you for praying, your prayers are incredibly important to me and all that the Lord is doing here!

My Prayer Requests:
– Pray for our students. Continued provision and breakthrough as they are taking big steps of faith coming for dts!

– Pray for our outreach locations: we are getting closer to solidifying other locations, and will update you on that very soon!! :) 

– Pray for health over our school and campus. Random weird health things have come up these last couple of weeks in our team and we are entering germ season!

– Solidifying our local outreach partners for lecture phase. That Jesus would give us a heart for the lost right here in KC!


As I step into these next 5 months discipling students, I will be relying on the support of partners like you. Your contributions are vital in sustaining this work. If you feel led to support financially, please consider partnering with me through a one-time gift or ongoing monthly support. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps further the kingdom of God. Thank you for prayerfully considering!

My budget has changed this season! (and will change once again in March once DTS is finished)

Monthly Support Goal: $2,070.34

DTS 1 time need: $4,080

This means that I am in need of $713.64 more for monthly support to do what the Lord has entrusted me with, well! If you cannot commit to give monthly, would prayerfully consider contributing to this $4,080 needed that will go toward dts outreach. 

If you would like to see a more thorough breakdown of budgeting, message me! 

Tax Deductible ways to donate: 

YWAM: https://giving.ywamkansascity.com/support/jessica-lawrence 

**** my code: V_L325

Please create an account before donating so that you can have your giving records on file for taxes. 

Non tax-deductible ways to donate:

Venmo: @Jessica-Lawrence23

Cashapp: $jessrmarie

*** Please message me regarding questions about checks***

Thank you!!

Sincerely, Jessica

Almost our entire dts staff team! We are missing Daniel, Lorena, and Simone. 

Pastor Clint starting a new series : 'The Way That Leads To Life' a hot topic that this generation needs to hear!

A new favorite read: The Reset by Jeremy Riddle. I highly encourage you to read!! 


The Broken Heart of God.