“For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”

II Corinthians 5:14-15

Youth With A Mission: Kansas City

Find out more on YWAM KC and their mission

Youth With A Mission is an interdenominational sending agency that was founded in 1960 by Loren Cunningham in response to a vision from the Lord of waves of young people from every nation making disciples of every nation. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Pioneered in 2011 by Mark Anderson, YWAM Kansas City is a product of nearly two decades of planning for the joining of missions and prayer to fulfill the Great Commission. Here at YWAM Kansas City, we offer different schools with different emphases to train you in evangelism, the Bible, church planting, and more! YWAM KC also hosts numerous seminars and events throughout the year to build up those hungry to know God and make Him known.

In June 2023 I graduated from Discipleship Training School at YWAM KC, where I spent 3 months in lecture phase being equipped to go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus, and an additional 2 months of an outreach in the Philippines. In January of 2024 I joined staff on YWAM KC’s Go Team where I am working alongside others to mobilize the next generation to missions among the most unreached places on earth!

What Does Staffing Look Like With YWAM?

There are many different staffing positions at YWAM KC and every single one of them are vital pieces that help us take the gospel to our neighborhoods and the nations! Every YWAM missionary/staff must raise financial support, as we do not receive any pay for these positions.

I began staffing in January of 2024 and currently serve on Go Team. I not only have the opportunities to go myself to some of the most unreached parts of the world (10/40 window), but to mobilize young people and the body of Christ to also answer the call to go and make disciples of all nations! Some of the ways I get to serve is by engaging with incoming students and providing them with contact/support as they decide to follow Jesus to the nations. I will also have the opportunity to go on ministry trips both domestically and abroad. Domestically I will be not only be taking the message of Jesus and His gospel, but also partnering with many churches and ministries in mobilizing people to missions! Overseas I will also have the opportunity to take the message of Jesus where He is not yet known.

This Fall I will be entering a 5 month commitment to staffing our discipleship training school, where I will be discipling our incoming students and going on outreach with them!

“Take My Life!”

Hi, my name is Jessica and Jesus saved me! Growing up with grandparents in ministry, a praying mom, and and a skeptic father led me to many early encounters with the Lord. Most of my childhood I found both beauty and brokenness in the church. I received both stains and temporal satisfaction from the world. I rebelled against God and slandered His followers until everything around me became ruins. That’s when He rescued me. Most of my life I had no doubt God was real, but I wasn’t sure if His name was Jesus and I definitely didn’t find Him to be “good”. By the time I was 15 years old I was being tormented by the enemy and was in bondage. I was convinced that I would end my life before I graduated from high school. Contending for and covering me in prayer, my family dragged me to a church service where I finally came to the end of myself and told God “Take my life!” Almost instantly I was met with the love of a perfect Father and all the chains I had wrapped around me were broken. In one single moment my old life was gone and I was made new. I was met with the goodness of God and I’ve been sure ever since that Jesus is the living God who defeated sin and the grave. I will never forget the price Jesus paid to ransom not only me, but every nation, tribe, and tongue. Though this life of mine may be small in comparison to what He gave, my cry is still “Jesus, take my life!”

John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

Just as He sent His son, so He is sending us. To the ends of the earth for love.